A collection of annual income disclosure statements published by multi-level marketing companies, continuously updated. Last updates done 11/18/19.
Some MLMs release income disclosures or earnings disclosures. These numbers are not required to be disclosed in the United States, but some of the companies do it anyway to appear transparent. The disclosures theoretically provide insight into how much distributors earn in commissions or overrides, but they are generally worthless. They are worthless because of what they do not disclose.
Multilevel marketing companies purposely omit important information that would allow potential distributors or investors to have real insight into these plans. In general, earnings disclosure statements often fail to provide the following information that is critical to understanding the plans and the results:
- Total distributors throughout the year
- How the total distributor count is calculated (as of a certain date, using averages, or other methodology)
- Number of new distributors during the year
- Number of distributors who quit during the year (so you can calculate the churn rate)
- Turnover rate
- Number of distributors earning $0
- Definition of “active” distributor
- Total number of distributors at a supervisor or leader level (i.e. have recruited other distributors)
- Total number of “active” distributors at a supervisor or leader level
- Amount of product purchased by each level of distributor for the year
Below are links to the earnings disclosures found for various multi-level marketing companies:
- Advocare Income Disclosures
- Amway Earnings Disclosures
- Arbonne Compensation Summaries
- Avon Earnings Disclosures
- Beachbody (Shakeology) Statement of Independent Coach Earnings
- DoTerra Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary
- Fortune Hi Tech Marketing Income Disclosures
- Herbalife Statements of Average Gross Compensation
- Ignite Energy Income Disclosures
- InteleTravel (PlanNet Marketing) Income Disclosure Statements
- Isagenix Earnings Statements
- It Works! Income Disclosure Statements
- LuLaRoe Income Disclosure Statements
- Mannatech Income Averages
- Mary Kay Cosmetics Earnings Representations
- Melaleuca Income Statistics
- MonaVie Income Disclosures
- Nerium (Neora) Income Declarations
- Numis Network Income Disclosures
- Nuskin Income Disclosures
- Optavia (formerly Take Shape for Life) by Medifast Income Disclosures
- Paparazzi Income Disclosures
- Plexus Income Disclosure Statements
- Primerica Income Disclosures
- Rodan + Fields Income Disclosure Statements
- Scentsy Income Disclosures
- Send Out Cards Income Disclosures
- Shaklee Average Income Disclosure
- Stella & Dot Income Disclosures
- Stream Energy Income Disclosures
- Team Beachbody Statement of Independent Coach Earnings
- Thirty One Gifts Income Disclosure Statement
- Tupperware Income Disclosure Statements
- Usana Income Disclosures
- Vemma Income Disclosures
- World Ventures Income Disclosures
- Your Travel Biz (YTB) Income Disclosures
- XanGo Earnings Disclosures
- Xyngular Income Summary
- Young Living Income Disclosure Statements
If you have any income disclosure statements for the above MLMs (or other major multilevel marketing companies), please send them to the email address on my Contact page.
Via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8246157 http://www.rssmix.com/
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