Dooce Will Sleep With Your Husband

From time-to-time, I used to talk about mommy bloggers here. Primarily the fraud that is Jennifer McKinney (MckMama), but occasionally I would mention others. One such person was Dooce (Heather B. Armstrong), the “original” mommy blogger.

Dooce made a mint off her blog when it was in its prime, which led to her buy a 9 bedroom, 9 bath house in Salt Lake City. But following her divorce, her income sources dried up and she was forced to sell. (That led to all sorts of blog posts about living in a small house, waaaaahhhhh!) By all appearances, Heather had all sorts of opportunities for sponsorships, television shows, speaking engagements, and other lucrative gigs… but her bad attitude, inconsistency, and failure to follow through led to those revenue sources evaporating.

She wrote a very successful book about her mental health struggles, and more recently wrote a book (that seemed to be well received) about a controversial treatment for depression. I personally thought the second book was overly dramatized to garner sympathy, attention, and extra sales, but what do I know?

In an effort to remain relevant, Heather published a blog post this week on burning shit down. The TL;DR version is this: Heather had sex with her friend’s husband, and also had sex with another friend’s ex-husband. Those friends had the audacity to be upset.

It might be important to know that Heather’s ex-husband Jon Armstrong was married when they began dating. And that her current live-in love Pete Ashdown is also still married. Do I detect a pattern here?

There are all sorts of excuses/reasons why Dooce slept with the husband and the ex-husband.  None of these alleged reasons makes this okay. Normal people know that you never enter into any sort of intimate relationship with your friend’s current boyfriend or husband, or with your friend’s former boyfriend or husband. It is just not okay.

So why did Heather publish these things? There is speculation that she is trying to get out ahead of something. One of the betrayed women has a book coming out shortly. Might this new book mention something about Heather?

Is she just trying to stir up controversy with a salacious post that gets her on the influencer radar again? Maybe a bump in traffic to her website and activity on the Instagram post will fuel some sponsorships or paid partnerships?

Maybe Dooce is just being spiteful to these former friends? This is plausible as well. She has a history of hot and heavy friendships that end up crashing and burning. Dooce is typically an innocent victim in all of this. (I’ll suggest she’s the common denominator, however, and that speaks volumes.)

I think the attempt to shame Heather’s former friends for HER bad behavior is ridiculous. She may not have named the parties involved, but those who have followed the Dooce drama all these years know exactly who she is talking about.

What does any of this have to do with fraud? Not much, other than Dooce is a fraudulent friend. Sometimes it’s just fun to write about something other than the technical aspects of investigating financial fraud.

When will people become smart enough to not get involved with her? A “friendship” with Heather Armstrong never seems to end well, does it?

Via Mix ID 8246157
