Otis’ birthday was one for the books. In the midst of my fertility treatment (that you can read about here) Otis birthday ended up being such a bright light and much needed distraction. Of course… in true mom-goes-overboard fashion, we celebrated his actual bday as Trolls theme birthday and then we did a separate drive by birthday party for him. We did CARS theme since he is equally obsessed and basically wants to watch it everyday.
We planned a car parade to come by at 4pm and then people could stop over after (wearing masks) to grab a snack and check out special guest (more on that later) and say happy birthday. I actually got the flag banners as a hand me down from a neighbor and they ended up being such an easy way to have it feel decorated. Otis’ buddy TJ also got him this ride on Lightning Mcqueen car and it was kind of epic for the party theme. We kept food super easy and just did donuts and juice boxes for the kids to grab. My sister helped me by DIYing these cozy cones and inside each one, I put a hot wheels car and some Cars theme stickers for the kids. I spread out some pieces of fabric on the lawn if people wanted to sit and eat their donuts. I also ordered this epic Mac cutout since Otis is obsessed with Mac in the movie. I ordered balloons ahead of time and filled them with our own helium tank. This saved any extra trips to the party store.
Last minute, I ended up finding this Lightning McQueen impersonator and it was literally the most epic thing ever!! I found them on instagram and McQueen stayed for the car parade and after so the kids could take a picture with him. SO FREAKING COOL.
When the parade was almost ready to start, we were trying to get Otis outside to get ready to meet McQueen and also get ready to watch the parade go by. OH MY GOODNESS YOU GUYS. Toddlers are special little creatures. He was of course shy and grumpy from just waking up from his nap and Blake and I were trying desperately to get him to inch closer to McQueen and the sidewalk to watch the parade. He was being SOOOO shy (which you cant even tell from the later photos) but eventually he took his little ride on Mcqueen over to the big McQueen and started to warm up. The parade was about to start so we eventually got him to sit in our patio chair and inch it forward to watch the parade. After the parade, Blake brought out our bluetooth wireless speaker and started pumping the John Mayer New Light and literally the Otis could not have been happier dancing with his friends. The joy in his face is just priceless. I live for these moments!!! One of my mom friends ended up calling our local fire department to see if a truck to come and wish Otis a Happy Birthday. When the fire truck showed up, the kids lost their minds!!!! So special that they help to support the community in so many ways.
After everyone left, just my family came to the backyard for a Happy Birthday cupcake and pizza. My friend DYI-ed the CUTEST birthday hats with the help of this tape to keep it on theme. I ordered race car flag toothpicks that made the perfect topper for the cupcake.
For our outfits, I ordered us custom kids hats and adult hats from reytoz. They come in both adult, kid and infant sizes and they are one of Otis’ fav accessories. I also ordered Blake and Otis matching shirts from the Disney store online.
Otis, I will celebrate you ANY chance I get. We love you so much!!!!!
Otis Outfit // reytoz hat / shopdisney shirt / childhoods clothing shorts / native shoes
Kim Outfit // reytoz hat // LNA tank top / rag and bone shorts / APL sneakers
Blake Shirt: shopdisney
Lightning McQueen Impersonator / Lightning McQueen Ride On Car / MAC cutout / race car flag garland / race car theme balloons / 2 balloon / custom letter balloons / plates + flatware + napkins / race car toothpick flags / party favor Disney Pixar Cars stickers / party favor hot wheels / cones / clear gift bags / checkered tape for DIY
Shop Disney Pixar Cars Theme Birthday Supplies:
The post DIY Disney Pixar Cars Theme 2nd Birthday Party appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
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